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Professor Namkhai Norbu selected more than 400 songs available online from among the numerous videos of young Tibetan authors and singers. He chose them for their meaningful lyrics and engaging harmonious rhythms. You can find all the songs in the collections with their words in Tibetan, Drajyor transcription and English translations, as well as original Youtube videos and dance demonstrations, on KHAITA.COM

Singing is an important part of Khaita: it’s a way to train our voice through the melody, to understand and reflect on the meaning of the songs, to tune as a group while chanting together.


 First, Professor Namkhai Norbu carefully transcribed all songs in Tibetan, often revising their grammatical form. He then transliterated them into the Drajyor system so that they could be read and sung by everybody. Not only that, for each song he elegantly indicated the rhythm, the modulations of the voice, and the repetitions of the syllables with particular symbols and ornaments.

Message from Tibet is the first collection and consist of 108 songs. It has been  translated and published in 2014 and 2020 by Shang Shung Publication (link), as well as the collected comments on the songs (link).

The collection Barzam contains 70 songs. It was first presented the 8th december 2019. “ZAM” in Tibetan means bridge and “PAR” (“BAR”) means between: so, it is between the previous Message from Tibet, and Mekhor.

The 3rd collection, MEKHOR, consists of 180 songs divided in 3 groups or 3 Metrengs – 60 songs each. This structure follows a method from the Tibetan astrology of elements. 

Here you can find videos, lyrics and translations of all the songs from the 3 collections.


Since the beginning of Khaita in November 2011, we’ve been singing and creating, elaborating the movements of our dances. We are realizing a method that harmonizes our most cantankerous qualities thanks to melody and movement. This concretely teaches us the profound meaning of the word collaboration.

Today we have more than 200 dances! From the easiest to the more complex ones, all of them reflect one main principle: dancing together harmoniously. Rhythm guides our steps and we dance together in a unified flow, a symbolic mandala.



KORDROS (KOR = CIRCLE + DRO = DANCE) are simple circle dances, mostly inspired by modern popular dances coming from different region of Himalayan area. These dances have their own character, movement and style. We study them and bring to Khaita joyful dances paying respect to the ancient rich culture of celebrating life together.


Other dances are based on choreography that dancers from all over the world have created, inspired by the music and the meaning of the songs

Through dance they express their cultural backgrounds, experience and style. It’s a colorful range of dances, unique, yet united. These can be performed in circles or in lines, showing simple or more complex choreography and movements. The main principle is to connect the dance with the lyrics and translate some of the images of the song into movements and mudras (hand gestures).
