
Khaita at the International Seminar of Young Tibetologists, Oxford

Khaita at the International Seminar of Young Tibetologists, Oxford

Wolfson College, Oxford
September 2–4th, 2024

In the begining of September Khaita Joyful Dances were presented on The International Seminar of Young Tibetologists at Wolfson College, Oxford. On the seminar an academic talk on Dzamlingar Song and Dance was given by Eva Leick. The talk was started with demonstration of the dance by our dancers.

The evening program of the conference included Khaita performance, done by Khaita dancers together with Tibetan dancer Tenzin from London. The performance was followed by 3-hour Gorshey, Tibetan circle dances, danced together by Tibetans and Khaita dancers.

The seminar was followed by art exhibition with Drugu Chögyal Rinpoche’s paintings on the Bardo. An introductory speech on Khaita given there by Lena Dumcheva was translated on Tibetan, and also materials and books for further study were provided to listeners.

Outside the exhibition there were also Khaita performance, followed by dancing several Khaita dances together with audience.

More details and videos about the event will follow very soon!


Days of Tibetan dances in Naples

Days of Tibetan Dances in Naples

October 14-15, 2023
𝗧𝗢 𝗗𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗗 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗬. The Khaita Joyful Dances, inspired by Tibetan culture, came to Napoli on Saturday and Sunday, October 14 and 15, 2023.
These were two opportunities to learn the basic steps and begin a journey in search of balance, both psychophysical and with the world outside. This project, promoted by the International Atiyoga Foundation, was hosted on Saturday by the Museo Nitsch, while on Sunday, it was held at Vomero, in the pedestrian area of ​​Piazza degli Artisti.

Questa mattina in Piazza degli Artisti con l’iniziativa Kaita danze gioiose per promuovere la cultura tibetana promossa da International Atiyoga Foundation dopo essere stata presente anche nel Museo Nitsch sabato 14 ottobre .
Con Adriana Dal Borgo, insegnante di gioiose danze Khaita abbiamo appreso attraverso passi di danza che il nodo infinito è una linea continua intrecciata che non si interrompe mai. Questo nodo è inscritto in un cerchio, che rappresenta appunto il nostro pianeta. Non ci può essere armonia senza rispetto, e il rispetto per se stessi e per gli altri non può prescindere dal rispetto per la natura perché siamo parte di essa.
Namdeling, centro napoletano della Comunità Dzogchen Internazionale che diffonde a Napoli la cultura tibetana propone una nuova modalità di rispondere alla complessità delle nostre vite suggerendoci di riscoprire, come è uso fare in Tibet, il piacere del movimento gioioso attraverso la danza e il canto. Le danze gioiose aiutano a scoprire la gioia di essere insieme, di muoversi con gli altri in armonia, di rispondere agli insulti del vivere con un atteggiamento rilassato e positivo, così da portare poi gioia nella vita quotidiana e nelle nostre relazioni
Il progetto è rivolto soprattutto ai giovani in una chiave di educazione alle emozioni e alla consapevolezza, coltivando il benessere corporeo e psichico e la collaborazione come modello alternativo alla competizione. Ringrazio la comunità Namdeling e Chiara Tortorelli perché attraverso il progetto presentato e patrocinato dalla Municipalita 5 con la Presidente Clementina Cozzolino e l’Assessore Claudio D’Angelo si cerca di apportare nuovi modelli di approccio alla vita attraverso passi di danza che aiutano a liberare energia positiva e un un clima di serenità a sconfiggere la monotonia e lo stress regalando ai territori un maggiore equilibrio

Dancing in Venice

Dancing in Venice

and Khaita Workshop in October 21-22

Thursday evening on July 27 on San Trovaso square in Venice we danced together with guests and residents of the place. The event happened as a part of a series of cultural events held on San Trovaso square (the full article in Il Gazettino newspaper could be found by link). 

“The Khaita evening in Venice in Campo S. Trovaso was magical: a natural theatre under the sky that a group of Venetians are trying to revive according to ancient customs, with cultural events dedicated to citizens.  Adriana, Monika, Petra and Marco guided an enthusiastic group of newcomers as they took their first steps under the stars.”

– The Mirror, Turning the Wheel of Khaita Joyful Dances

We are looking forward to dance together again on the Khaita workshop for beginners, that will be in Venice, October 21-22


Presenting Khaita to Ringu Tulku Rinpoche and the Sangha

Presenting Khaita to Ringu Tulku Rinpoche and the Sangha

at Bodhicharya Kent's 10 Year Anniversary Celebration in the UK

On the 5th of June, we had the honour of presenting Khaita to Ringu Tulku Rinpoche and the Sangha at Bodhicharya Kent’s 10 Year Anniversary Celebration in the UK Bodhicharya UK. Khaita was a part of the event’s opening and a surprise for Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, prepared by his students who were aware of his keen interest in Tibetan songs and dances, particularly in Khaita. In addition to the dance performance, we also watched a short documentary about the history of Khaita and presented a special edition of “Message from Tibet” – the first collection of 108 Tibetan songs by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu – to Ringu Tulku Rinpoche.

Petra Zezulkova, one of our dancers and coordinator of the event:

“I was deeply touched by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s opening speech. He emphasized the importance of songs and dances in preserving culture, particularly in keeping the language alive. It reminded me of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu’s words that without the language, there won’t be texts or teaching.

Ringu Tulku Rinpoche continued by recounting his childhood memories and how he fondly remembered the joy of gathering with family and friends, always singing and dancing. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche was pleased and happy that we came to perform, mentioning that he always wanted to see a live performance ever since discovering Khaita online. He conveyed his deep respect and gratitude for Chögyal Namkhai Norbu’s dedication to Tibetan songs and dances.

Personally, the entire speech deeply moved me. 

I believe that because the event was filmed for the archive, it presents a beautiful opportunity for future generations to witness Chögyal Namkhai Norbu’s Khaita project as a bridge of communication and a step towards further collaboration between two sanghas.”

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Bodhicharya team, Cesare Saguato and Vanessa Matthews, for inviting us and being such gracious hosts, as well as to Julieann Natwal for the wonderful photos. We would also like to thank The London Institute of Tibetan Studies: Shang Shung UK and Lekdanling – Tibetan Cultural Centre for their organizational support, especially Julia Lawless and Jamyang Oliphant.

The event was filmed by  The Meridian Trust – A Tibetan Buddhist Film Resource. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche speaks about Tibetan songs early in the recording  (min 3:10 – 13:00):

Lena Dumcheva for The Mirror, Turning the Wheel of Khaita Joyful Dances