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“Kha” means “space/sky” and “Ta” means “harmony/melody” 

While dancing, we learn to be present to the inner display of thoughts and emotions. As we cultivate this relaxed presence in movement, harmony and joy develop naturally. This continues in our life, moving more easily through our routines, activities and daily tasks.

“Kha” means “space/sky” and “Ta” means “harmony/melody”. 

While dancing, we learn to be present to the inner display of thoughts and emotions. As we cultivate this relaxed presence in movement, harmony and joy develop naturally. This continues in our life, moving more easily through our routines, activities and daily tasks.



…through learning to move with presence and joy


…through melodious sound of modern Tibetan songs


…through being aware and letting go of your worries


…through dancing together
as a whole


…through bringing relaxed
presence in daily activities


Khaita, Harmony in Space is a project created in 2011 by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. It unites the two aspects that most characterized his life: his unparalleled activity and wisdom as a Dzogchen Master and his great erudition in all fields of Tibetan culture.

“It’s better to live in melody… if we dance and sing we feel more joyful and we can also relax” 

 Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

Khaita, Harmony in Space is a project created in 2011 by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. It unites the two aspects that most characterized his life: his unparalleled activity and wisdom as a Dzogchen Master and his great erudition in all fields of Tibetan culture.

 “It’s better to live in melody… if we dance and sing we feel more joyful and we can also relax” 

 Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu taught countless people from different places, social conditions, and lifestyles. He directly understood that dance and music can be:

a common denominator
an expression of a universal nature
an experience of deep relaxation in a simple and direct way

Following long experience of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu as a teacher continuously in contact with a multitude of people from different places, different social conditions and lifestyles, and as a result of his wisdom as a Master, he has learned through experience that dance and music can be a common denominator, an expression of a universal nature, able to convey an experience of deep relaxation in a simple and direct way.

Link to the short biography of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu 

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu has worked constantly and with great commitment since 2011, gathering danceable music and group dances that are easy to learn. This collection has been inspired by his culture which is the base while the themes of the music are expressed with choreographies elaborated by dancers from different cultural backgrounds. The themes represent values to which all peoples and countries aspire, as messages of brotherhood, joy, respect and tolerance. These values can be understood not only through the words of the songs, but through the choreography, the movements and the gestures. They reflect the principles fostered by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu and the International Dzogchen Community.

To know more about Cögyal Namkhai Norbu’s life please visit – https://www.merigar.it/en/chogyal-namkhai-norbu/timeline/

One of the aims of this immense work of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu was the preservation of Tibetan culture and language. However, was original and decidedly innovative the use of music and dance as a contemplative practice, as a tool to discover a relaxed and joyful state and as a form of training for presence and awareness. Khaita songs and Joyful Dances show us the way to a relaxed collaboration, the way to be together with awareness and respect for each other’s space.
For more detail please watch the video.

One of the aims of this immense work of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu was the preservation of Tibetan culture and language. However, was original and decidedly innovative the use of music and dance as a contemplative practice, as a tool to discover a relaxed and joyful state and as a form of training for presence and awareness. Khaita songs and Joyful Dances show us the way to a relaxed collaboration, the way to be together with awareness and respect for each other’s space. For more detail please watch the video


The symbol of Khaita
(infinite golden knot on the planet Earth) means that the uninterrupted, infinite flow of energy, without obstacles, the flow of love like melody pervades and manifests in all our hearts and throughout the earth through songs and dances.