
“We Are One” Project and Khaita Dances for Children in Seggiano (Italy)


Losar 2024

Losar 2024

Happy New Year of the Wood Dragon!​

Khaita Wood Dragon, watercolour by Cindy Faulkner

The Tibetan dragon (or Druk) is a symbol of power and of hidden, intangible knowledge. Being invisible, he manifests himself through sound and energy. The dragon thunders in the sky with the sound of compassion that awakens us from delusion and increases what we can understand through hearing. Thus, it is said that dragons bring forth our awareness towards the things that we cannot see.

“When spring begins, one hears thunderstorms. Live on! When this happens, rain falls, and rain is very important for nature, for maturing and for life. And rainbows, lights, and colours appear everywhere. … thunder, rain, and rainbows appear, which are all typical manifestations of the dragon.”
— from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu’s commentary to the song Ema Lha Gyallo

Losar is a great time for dancing and singing to bring fortune and peace to the new year. Below are videos and photos from this year Losar performances and celebrations.

Venice Dragon

Khaita performance in Prague Tibetan House

Losar celebration in France


Practice Day in Vienna, February 3

Practice Day Khaita Joyful Dances

Saturday, February 03, 2024, 10am - 5pm
With Anna Jiresch & Eva Leick

On February 3, in Samdurbling there was a practice day dedicated to the Khaita Joyful Dances. We studied Khawa Bap, a dance with complex choreography, connecting the movements with the meaning of the song lyrics. We also danced a repertoire of simple dances without explanation to really get into the ‘flow’.      

Time: 10:00-12:30 and 14:30-17:00  

Location: Friedrich-Kaiser-Gasse 74, 1160 Vienna 

Contribution: free donation  

Enquiries and registration (by 27 January 2023) to: or +436649240499 

Please bring comfortable clothes that allow you to move well. No street shoes in the studio – all types of dance or gymnastics shoes that provide good support are recommended for dancing. Barefoot is possible, but can be disadvantageous for certain spinning movements.  


8th course of Khaita Educational Program in Dzamling Gar, November 9-16, 2023


3rd course of Khaita Educational Program in Dzamling Gar, November 20-26

We are happy to invite you to the 3rd course of Educational Program for new Khaita experts and instructors, which will be in Dzamling Gar, Tenerife, Canary Islands, on November 20-26, 2023.
Participation will be possible both ONSITE and ONLINE.
The course will be led by: Adriana Dal Borgo with the collaboration and support of other Khaita experts.

Duration: 7 days, 20-26 November 2023
Registration by link:

On successful completion of the first year of the Khaita Educational Program, students will obtain a certificate as a 1st year Khaita expert student regardless of whether they’ll continue the Program and may:

  • lead Khaita classes
  • start organizing events or projects related to Khaita
  • simply greatly improve their Khaita dancing skills

With the Khaita project Prof. Chögyal Namkhai Norbu planted a precious seed that we, all together, can take care of, develop and make blossom if more of us acquire a deep understanding and a good knowledge of it. Thus, a beautiful tree can manifest and its flowers can bloom for the benefit of all human beings…

For more information, please contact:


Khaita course in Venice, October 21-22

Khaita Course in Venice, October 21-22


with Adriana Dal Borgo

This class is suitable for everyone: we will find out what Khaita Joyful Dances are, learn together the basic steps and some simple circle dances.
Khaita means “Harmony in Space”: the goal is to promote harmony through dance, in the individual, in the group and also with the environment around us.
The Khaita Dances were developed by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu together with his students based on modern songs performed by young Tibetan artists.
These dances are engaging and easy to learn. Requiring no special skills, they are suitable for people of all ages and even those unfamiliar with music and dance.
The choreographies, based on interaction and recognition of one’s own and others’ space, promote openness to others and collaboration. They entertain, strengthen the body and educate to move in harmony in space and time.
Joyful Khaita Dances are a great way to relax from the tensions of daily life.
Place: Gyamtsholing
Palestra San Girolamo
Canneregio 3022, Venezia
Dates: 21-22 October
Saturday 10.00-12.30 e 15.00-17.00
Sunday 10.00-13.00
Language: this course will be in Italian. If there is enough demand for English translation, we will do our best to arrange for an interpreter. Please check the box in the registration form if you need the translation.
Contribution to cover the costs: 60 euro
More info and registration (EN):
Associazione Culturale Comunità Dzogchen Venezia
Cannaregio 2346 – 30121 Venezia

Days of Tibetan dances in Naples

Days of Tibetan Dances in Naples

October 14-15, 2023
𝗧𝗢 𝗗𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗗 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗬. The Khaita Joyful Dances, inspired by Tibetan culture, came to Napoli on Saturday and Sunday, October 14 and 15, 2023.
These were two opportunities to learn the basic steps and begin a journey in search of balance, both psychophysical and with the world outside. This project, promoted by the International Atiyoga Foundation, was hosted on Saturday by the Museo Nitsch, while on Sunday, it was held at Vomero, in the pedestrian area of ​​Piazza degli Artisti.

Questa mattina in Piazza degli Artisti con l’iniziativa Kaita danze gioiose per promuovere la cultura tibetana promossa da International Atiyoga Foundation dopo essere stata presente anche nel Museo Nitsch sabato 14 ottobre .
Con Adriana Dal Borgo, insegnante di gioiose danze Khaita abbiamo appreso attraverso passi di danza che il nodo infinito è una linea continua intrecciata che non si interrompe mai. Questo nodo è inscritto in un cerchio, che rappresenta appunto il nostro pianeta. Non ci può essere armonia senza rispetto, e il rispetto per se stessi e per gli altri non può prescindere dal rispetto per la natura perché siamo parte di essa.
Namdeling, centro napoletano della Comunità Dzogchen Internazionale che diffonde a Napoli la cultura tibetana propone una nuova modalità di rispondere alla complessità delle nostre vite suggerendoci di riscoprire, come è uso fare in Tibet, il piacere del movimento gioioso attraverso la danza e il canto. Le danze gioiose aiutano a scoprire la gioia di essere insieme, di muoversi con gli altri in armonia, di rispondere agli insulti del vivere con un atteggiamento rilassato e positivo, così da portare poi gioia nella vita quotidiana e nelle nostre relazioni
Il progetto è rivolto soprattutto ai giovani in una chiave di educazione alle emozioni e alla consapevolezza, coltivando il benessere corporeo e psichico e la collaborazione come modello alternativo alla competizione. Ringrazio la comunità Namdeling e Chiara Tortorelli perché attraverso il progetto presentato e patrocinato dalla Municipalita 5 con la Presidente Clementina Cozzolino e l’Assessore Claudio D’Angelo si cerca di apportare nuovi modelli di approccio alla vita attraverso passi di danza che aiutano a liberare energia positiva e un un clima di serenità a sconfiggere la monotonia e lo stress regalando ai territori un maggiore equilibrio

Workshop in Lima, Peru

Workshop in Lima, Peru

September 30, October 8

On September 30th and October 8th we were very happy to organize, with the support of Peruvian Gakyil and Dzogchen Community, two public presentations of Khaita and Vajra Dance in Lima, Peru. Both of them were wonderful occasions for practitioners to remember the joy of dancing and being together, as we lost our renting place in the pandemia. Also it was so nice how people in the street wanted to participate and try for the first time. It was a very relaxing and joyful experience for everyone!


Regular Classes and Workshop in Vienna, 8 October

Regular Classes and Workshop in Vienna

October 8, 2023

In the beautiful ling of Vienna, Samdrubling, we practice Khaita – Joyful Dances every Monday from 18:00-20:00.
We are a small but dedicated group of dancers who are curious about discovering new dances and exploring the meaning of the Tibetan lyrics. Led by Eva Leick and Anna Jiresch, we focus on a new dance each week and expand our repertoire of steps and choreographies in a joyful way. Everyone is welcome!
Contact: +436649240499 (Eva) or
Address: Friedrich-Kaiser-Gasse 74, 1160 Wien 

As part of the ‘Day of Open Temple Doors’, Samdrubling hosted an open Khaita – Joyful Dances workshop on 8th October 2023.
People had the opportunity to watch a short presentation of Khaita prepared by the local group and learnt several dances. The dancing experience directly introduced participants to important aspects of Khaita, revolving around bodily coordination, presence, collaboration and joy.
For more information, please the website of Samdrubling: 


Khaita course for beginners in Warsaw

Khaita course in Warsaw

September 23, 2023

On Septemeber 23 in Warsaw a Khaita Joyful Dances course for beginners took place. The course was led by Wojtek Torczyński.

For more information please see FB event.